Peaky Blinders Wiki
Peaky Blinders Wiki

The Garrison Pub is a pub located on the corner of Garrison Lane and Witton Street in Small Heath, Birmingham, England. It is the favorite drinking spot of the Peaky Blinders. It is known as the Garrison Pub and the Garrison Tavern.


The Garrison is an ornate pub where all the brass is polished to a blinding shine. All the mirrors are gilded. The doors have frosted glass windows. While outside the pub is dereliction, inside there is an excess of color and decoration. There's a small private room with a pass-through window to the bar which is used by Thomas Shelby to conduct Peaky Blinder's business. There's also a piano in the back of the main room. The original landlord and bartender is Harry Fenton. Grace Burgess gets a job at the Garrison to spy on the Shelbys and the Peaky Blinders. Thomas forces Harry to sell him the Garrison. Tommy then makes Arthur Shelby the owner, though Harry still works as the bartender. The Garrison is blown up, but is rebuilt. Thomas expands the Garrison into a distillery as well. In 1929, the barkeep is now a man named Micky Gibbs. Gibbs becomes a rat on the Peaky Blinders, and when Arthur and Thomas find out, they kill him in the Garrison.

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  • In Episode 1.3, before Tommy's meeting with the IRA men, the liquor bottles behind the bar have stainless steel bottle pourers. However, the earliest patent of a "bottle pourer" was submitted by Don A. Zimmerman and George W. Leventon in 1966.
  • The Garrison is based on the real location The Garrison Tavern in Small Heath. While not used during filming, Cillian Murphy was taken there by the production crew.